
The Swiss Philosophy Olympiad is a competition where secondary school students can learn more, meet like-minded people from all over Switzerland and qualify for the International Philosophy Olympiad. In order to participate you do not need to know Plato's works inside out, nor do you need years of philosophy classes behind you. An interest in philosophy and critical thinking is enough!






First Essay Round 2024/2025

The First Essay Round of the Swiss Philosophy Olympiad 2024/2025 took place between September 22 and November 22, 2024.


Teilnehmende der Ersten Essayrunde treffen sich in Biel

Am vergangenen Samstag fand im Rahmen der Bieler Philosophietage ein Treffen von Teilnehmenden der Ersten Essayrunde der Philosophie-Olympiade 2024/2025 statt - mit internationaler Beteiligung aus der Frankophonie.


Become a volunteer for the Philosophy Olympiad!

We are an association of students, teachers and other philosophy lovers. We make the Philosophy Olympiad happen with our volunteer work. Would you like to help?


Behind the scenes of the Philosophy Olympiad

Are you a philosophy student, teacher or former participant? Are you thinking about getting involved in the Philosophy Olympiad or are you looking for a network of young philosophers? Are you a volunteer at another Olympiad and interested in what it's like here? Then join us for SPO day!


1123 participations in the preliminary round of the 2024/2025 Philosophy Olympiad

The new preliminary round of the Philosophy Olympiad was very well received: 1123 pupils from over 80 schools in 24 cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein completed the online test.








Die Wissenschafts-Olympiaden 2024/2025 - los geht's!

Das neue Schuljahr ist die Chance, an den Wissenschafts-Olympiaden in Biologie, Chemie, Geographie, Informatik, Linguistik, Mathematik, Philosophie, Physik, Robotik und Wirtschaft teilzunehmen. Wissen, Reisen und Freunde warten! Die Termine im Überblick in der neuen Agenda.




All about math and Mathys

If you walked past Mathys Douma in the street, you probably wouldn't assume you'd just crossed Switzerland’s first gold medalist at the International Mathematical Olympiad in 17 years. Who is this young man with the contagious smile? Volunteer Tanish Patil paints a portrait.


Why the Philosophy Olympiad is changing

The Philosophy Olympiad is an essay competition and will remain so. But this year everything will be a little different. Before the first essay, there will be a new preliminary round, which will take place in August and September. We explain why this is the case and how participation will work in 20
